
The beginning of the sciatic nerve is located at the lumbar region and descends down the posterior aspect of each lower extremity, extending all the way to the pedal region. This nerve is hailed as the most extensive one found in the entire human body!

Whenever this nerve undergoes some sort of disturbance, it leads to a disorder referred to as sciatica, or also known as sciatic neuralgia. This malady tends to wax and wane in a person’s lifetime, but during exacerbation, it can be a great source of agony for the sufferer. If not appropriately addressed, the neural structure may sustain permanent harm.

Thus, it is imperative to have the condition evaluated by the professionals at Chirotopia if sciatica becomes problematic. You may call us at (479) 367-2758 to book an appointment and experience the benefits of our holistic approach to health and wellness.

Symptoms of Sciatica

Here are some common symptoms of sciatica:

  • Pain that radiates from the lower back down one or both legs
  • Burning or tingling sensations in the legs or feet
  • Numbness or weakness in the affected leg or foot
  • Difficulty sitting or standing due to sharp pain in the lower back or legs
  • Shooting pain that makes it difficult to walk or move around
  • Pain that worsens with prolonged sitting or standing
  • Muscle weakness in the affected leg or foot
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control in severe cases
  • Foot drop, which is a condition where the foot becomes floppy and difficult to lift
  • Lower back pain that accompanies the leg pain in some cases.

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