Decrease Lactic Acid, Improve Your Game

Decrease Lactic Acid, Improve Your Game

Lactic acid is a byproduct of anaerobic metabolism, which is how muscles generate energy when oxygen levels are low. During intense exercise, muscles can’t get enough oxygen to keep up with the energy demand, so they switch to anaerobic metabolism, which produces lactic acid as a byproduct. This buildup of lactic acid can cause fatigue, cramping, soreness and tension in the muscles.

Muscle tension can reduce blood flow through muscle by restricting the movement of the muscle, leading to decreased oxygen and nutrient delivery and increased lactic acid buildup. This can lead to fatigue, pain, and decreased range of motion.

The Importance of Oxygen

Oxygen helps with muscle recovery by increasing the delivery of oxygen through the bloodstream to the muscles and removing metabolic waste products such as lactic acid. Oxygen helps to reduce muscle fatigue and soreness and can accelerate the muscle recovery process, and increase range or motion. The combination of chiropractic care and deep tissue therapy work together increase range of motion and mobility, thus increasing the amount of oxygen in muscles.

Deep Muscle Therapy

Deep muscle therapy and stretching helps to reduce tension and release lactic acid. Deep tissue therapy is a type of massage therapy that targets specific deep layer muscle and connective tissue. It is used to release chronic muscle tension and muscle knots, and it can be especially beneficial for athletes. By applying pressure to the deep layers of muscle and connective tissue, deep tissue therapy can help break up lactic acid buildup. This process is known as myofascial release and can help reduce pain and stiffness. In addition, deep tissue therapy can help improve circulation and increase soft tissue mobility.

Pressure Relief

By manipulating the spine, chiropractors can relieve pressure on the nerves and muscles, allowing for improved movement in the joints and surrounding tissues. This increased range of motion can help to reduce pain, improve posture, and promote better overall health. Manipulation of the spine can also help to improve joint flexibility and reduce stiffness. This can be especially beneficial for athletes and other active individuals, who may benefit from improved range of motion and mobility.

It is important to speak to your chiropractor, how together as a team, you both can build a specialized care plan that fits your needs.

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